What a sanctuary. As ashrams go, this is a very relaxed one, welcoming to foreign guests and spotlessly clean. Our room with fan was spacious and light, with the best-equipped bathroom we've had in India yet. There was a hot water shower and a Western-style loo. All food is included in the nightly cost; what's more, it's generally delicious. Unfortunately it hasn't photographed very well. Yoga instruction is available at 150 rupees per person for an hour and a half, and there's a library for guests' use with all sorts of books, including, of course, spirituality and self-improvement.
3 days is not quite long enough for a stay here- we recommend 4 at least.
Bathroom: private and very, very clean
View: Garden
Cost: 600 rupees (double) inc all meals
Contact details: email mohans_india@yahoo.com Address: Rishikesh Rd. Ph 261336
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